
Elemental Analysisグループ

作成者: Patcore|Apr 19, 2024 7:18:11 AM


Elemental Analysis pluginは分子の元素構成に関する以下の値を計算・表示します。本製品はMarvinライセンスでご利用頂けます。

  • Mass: molecular mass

  • Exact mass: molecular mass calculated from the most frequent natural isotopes of the elements

  • Formula: chemical formula of the molecule

  • Isotope formula: chemical formula of the molecule listing isotopes separately

  • Dot-disconnected formula: chemical formula of the molecule separating fragment formulas by dots.

  • Composition: elemental composition (w/w %)

  • Isotope composition: elemental composition listing isotopes separately (w/w %)

  • Atom count: number of atoms in the molecule.





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